Sunny pirate
četrtek, 27. marec 2008
Janne se poslavlja :(

Evo, zdej je zares dokončno. Janne Ahonen, za moje pojme daleč najboljši skakalec smučarskih skokov in legenda je včeraj ob 13.00 na Mtv3 povedal, da končuje svojo kariero. :( To me je popolnoma spravlo v obup in res si ne predstavljam skokov brez Janneta in v končni fazi tudi Tomija Nikunena, ki je bil njegov trener, pa se je letos ravno tako upokojil. Ne morem rečt, da nism slutila, da bo do tega pršlo, glede na to da je na svoji zadnji podelitvi za 3. mesto v Planici v rokah držal namesto svojih Micove smuči (njegov sin), ampak sem vseeno zlo žalostna. Tuki je angleški prevod tega, kar je včeraj povedal na tiskovni konferenci:
Esteemed Athletes and reprentatives of media. I decided to come here and tell you about my future plans already at this point and not in May like it was planned. And the reason for this are the tabloids presented by some magazines about the future of my career. I also want that the SM-competition in Ruka will be jumped as SM-competition and not as Janne Ahonen’s goodbye competition. This is scheduled later. The decision about ending my career has been in my mind for a long time and the last season has made this hard decision if not easy, then easier. Motivation for the competing has not disappeared anywhere, but the motivation and discipline that is required for practicing to achieve success was not at a level that I should continue to another season with. Many successful jumpers wish to end their career at a point where they have achieved the level they were fighting for, and I believe I have reached that personal goal or that I am fairly close. Sports have and always will be a big thing to me, but there are other things in life also, to which I can concentrate more now on with this decision. The most important of this is my family, that will grow by one person in May. [Long break, Janne cries, a man taps Janne’s back to encourage him] At this point I would like to thank my family, parents and my long-time coach, Ari Saukko for that irreplaceable support that I have received from them to this day since the beginning of my career.I also thank my training friends and the great people at Lahti ski club. Warm thans to my sponsors and to you all who have influenced my career. Thank you to the finnish people for supporting me through the good and the bad moments. Best wishes. Finnish citizen, Janne Ahonen, ski jumper

Vem, da bomo Janneta vsi zlo pogrešal!

smučarski skakalec 1992 - 2008 ×3

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posted by sunny @ 3:03 pop.  
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